Thursday, October 31, 2013

Run @ Tmn Tun (25/10/13). Hare: Blow Job

Having his oxygen (ciggi) break before the run starts.

It was murmured in the wind, "God created Loud Chick to teach all the hash ladies how to tittup." Yah, go ahead and google the word!

Hello. My name is June but my friends call me Ah Lian. I want you all to be my friend, so call me Ah Lian aahh. Can or not ! 
Or better known as Uncle Seah. Having a sojourn in Langkawi. In his younger days, he was the SCB (short cutting bastard) king in KH4. Still is whenever the occasion arises.
His ladies guest was the cause of umbrage to Music Ranger at last week run. Hope sitting on ice will improve his hashing sense.
 Getting his Deepavali bonus from GM.
 The coroner. Oops, sorry. I meant crooner ..... of hash songs. When he sings, it will be "music" to your ears, depending on your alcohol level.

In Summary
An overcast sky with rain clouds looming but that didn't deter a good crowd waiting patiently for the GM to sound the On On call at 6pm. As usual, starting trail was short walk up on the tarmac and then turned left and the expected 1st check a short distance away.

Meandering through the usual path we then arrived at the bungalow houses, the Penchala link area for a check. Those familiar with the area, would have expected the paper to go up. Indeed it was. A short climb, the papers deviated left and probably have some thinking of a reprieve. It was not to be. We had a Mother of all Climb, a 1km stretch as Ubat was quick to emphasize.

What followed next was pretty routine in this area, a couple of ups and downs, crisis crossing the fence area and a good runout for the runners. When we were going up the fencing area again, Laurel was in his WTF ( what the fark ) rant and scribe was about to contribute my share when surprisingly we hit the tarmac road and provide a relief to yours truly, as we know home beckoned.  (Thus my WTF rant shall be reserve for another occasion.)

Almost a 2km run on the road to the car park with the front pack in at about 7:15pm. Battery Rosak & Sir Iron Head were ladies men as they were considerate enough to accompany their ladies guest out at about 8:30pm. Distance covered was approx 6.8 km.

Circle time was the usual boisterous affair. GM was giving some reminder about some redundant hash commandments with Iron Head being the main culprit and JM storming into one of his verbiages. There were probably some twisted interpretations and members having short memories, whether it's alcohol induced or not, will continue to repeat these peccadillos. 

Let common sense prevailed unless one is prepared to say, "enough is enough it's cibai say bye bye" time. (My apologies for the strong word but I'm trying to get the message across).

My 2Cts Worth
With Hardcore, the sifu of this area, as one of the co hare, any lingering fear of a long run was diminished. He has mellowed and left his Animale days behind .... hopefully. Taman Tun is one of the few "civilized " spot in the Klang Valley and any notion of jungle bashing, treacherous terrains, leeches or getting lost are very unlikely. 

All said, a decent clean run, good workout followed by the usual blah blah stuff, nothing dramatic and an evening well spent and no dirty laundries for the missus to clean up and for those who have maids, you have put a smile on their faces.


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