Thursday, April 24, 2014


Some if not all of you would have noticed the refreshing look of the latest newsletter and the compliments made to the new On Sec, Baby Chameleon. Let's hope it's not the case of new broom sweep clean and we look forward to more of these.

This blog shall reserved it's comment for the time being but I'm sure the On Sec have got ideas of her own and let's hope the forth coming ones will be more interesting and something that we look forward to instead of being mere pieces of article that one read and discard immediately or look uninteresting to flip beyond the first page after seeing the Hare Q page.

But I would like to say my piece on 2 subjects.

Firstly, attendance book. This is not the first time that it's being enforced and I'm willing to bet (any takers?) that it won't be the last. Unless I'm proven wrong, every time a new committee has been formed this 'brilliant' idea will be mooted. This have been going on the last couple of years!

Members will be dutifully signing in and out the attendance book for the first couple of weeks. After that amnesia steps in and one of the committee will be tasked to do the job. All will be hunky dory and the circle will start again and no amount of sitting on ice or punishment meted out will remedy this problem.

As you read this, some of you will be thinking, wah this Slow Ass, only know how to write and talk cock. You so clever you go and do lah! Hold your horses, mate !!!

While I don't have the perfect solution, this is my 2 cents. EDUCATE! EDUCATE! EDUCATE! Human nature being such, we are creatures of habit and on the flip side, we also tend to take the easy way out if there are no rewards at hand, so why should I sign in and out, if there are no threatening issues at stake.

Back to the "E" word again, for a start, ensure that members know where to sign in/out every week. You may get 50% of members to do it initially, but doesn't matter. Ensured that those who do remind those who haven't. It may take 3 weeks, 3 months or for that matter 3 years, but once these routine have been ingrained into our grey matter, it become a habit and no one need to be told on what to do next! Voila! Problem solved! 

Right? Wrong? Anyone care to give their 5 cents or dollar worth? 

No one should be tasked to take down the attendance at all and we should continue to EDUCATE instead of delegate. If at the end, these simple tasks cannot be instilled into the members head, we surely are on the way to suffering from mental retardation, for want of a better word and no apologies for sounding so crude. 

To live up to my 2 cents, if yours truly forget to sign the attendance sheet for 3 consecutive weeks, please enroll me into a mental institution, where I heard you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave and serve me recycle beer, where an unpublished study on homo sapiens species has shown that constant consumption of this liquid will help the brain cells to regenerate. Fellow members are most welcome to join me should they feel to need to so the same.

The next piece, Sweeper. 

Again this is not the first time the idea was suggested. Previously this issue died a natural death due to only one cause ...... implementation or shall I say, non implementation and compliance.  While we don't deny the fact that the idea is good, asking the hare to be the sweeper for the next run or requiring the hare to delegate the task is easier said than done. 

If signing the attendance is a chore, can you imagine getting one to be the sweeper! The odds of striking a lottery is anytime higher compare to this. So what's next ? Before I offer my 2 cents, oh no not again, I can hear the riposte. (At least I'm contributing, are you? )

The irony is that you can't insist or demand that this be done. If one choose not to be the sweeper what can the club do? And we know that there are many recalcitrants around! Sack or suspend him? That will be the day! Sit on ice or cold shower? No big deal, compare to being the sweeper. Deny him his golden fluid? Be ready for a verbal confrontation and if cool heads does not prevail, probably fist fights! 

Think for a moment! Why do people get lost in the jungle? Because they don't follow papers! Or they try to short cut and lost their sense of direction! Or coming in late and doing catch up, knowing very well that you may not be able to! Will the sweeper solve these problems? It's a no brainer, right!

If you are hashing long enough, common sense will tell you that if you are amongst the back runner you should stick together, which most if not all the regular LROP's (last runner on paper) in KH4 does anyway. Currently, the 'unofficial sweepers' Battery Rosak and Gold Kuntz and on certain occasions there maybe others, are doing an excellent job. By appointing a sweeper they maybe duplication of tasks and another problem may arise.

Instead of creating a problem, why don't we give recognition or reward those who are already doing the job. Surely it won't burden the club financially if we reward these 'unofficial' sweeper(s) a beer or two after a run for their unselfish acts. It feel good to be appreciated, I'm sure you'll agree with me. 

Having said my piece, members probably have other ideas or suggestions. Throw the questions to them and for all we know we'll be surprise at what they have to offer..

People getting lost in the jungle are mostly through acts of their own making. As we know, the papers are there for a reason and if hashers choose to deviate from the trail, no amount of 'sweeping' can solve this problem. 
Last but not least..... hashed smart, don't be a hero, keep a look out for your fellow hashers, you may never know when a favor will be return. We come to the hash to enjoy ourselves and not to create inconveniences or burden others. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Run @ Aman Puri, Kepong (4/4/14)

Hare/Co Hares: Prince Charming. Assisted by Left Ball, Messy & Early Bird.

Weather wise / Attendance: Cool evening with about 40 ++members.         

Joint Run ???: Those who arrived early would have noticed a big crowd and some unfamiliar faces. Apparently another chapter, Friday Hash House Harriers was also sharing the same runsite as us. There were a number of SYT (sweet young thing) and hot chicks amongst them. Cartoon and Laurel were salivating and probably hoping to get them into their wish list.

Beer man woes!: Everyone were surprised to see the presence of our ex beer man Ravi, as it was reliably heard that he was axed from serving us as his company could not fulfilled their beer quotas. He did us a favor today as the current one from Klang was reluctant to come due to the distance. GM, Messy announced on the box during circle that we may switch back to long cool dane, Carlsberg.

For those not in the know, that was the original beer of Klang Hash for maybe 2 decades and well served by their beer men until one smart alec decide to switch to GAB Tiger and we have been having this occasional problems of the beer men services since. 

The Run: As being scribed many times by yours truly, the notoriety of the hare knows no bound. Today's run was no exception. As was told by Yak to yours truly, he being one of the FROP's (front runner on paper), caught up with the hare at certain stretch and not only that, yours truly also met up with the 2 co hares, Left Ball and Messy while climbing up a hill. I stopped to check on some papers that were veering left but was told by them and the others behind me to proceed upwards instead.

When the hare was questioned by Kernel during circle whether he recced, he gave a big yawning "NO". With that Kernel rest his case.
Back to the run proper, those who completed the run would have noted the hare's notoriety at play, one moment here, the next there and if he fancy a uphill, up he goes and goes and goes.....! During the home stretch, we have to go down a steep incline in pitch darkness with protruding pipeline and slippery steps and thereafter an endless home run of 3km+ as attested by one of the runner. Last runner out at almost 8:45pm

While some were smart enough to detour or short cut thereby missing all the 'fun', Toy Boy expression of the run told a truer picture. He sat slumped on the bench, water one one hand and staring into the night. When scribe tried to engaged him in a conversation, he'll hardly murmured a few words. But the happiest person had to be Rooster cos she was the last one on paper and if she had not being advised to turn back she would have come out after 9pm with some wadderfark remarks!

Circle: Newly elected Joint Master is still having stage fright, judging from the way he spoke on the box. Mild mannered, few words, not the Bomba Mike that we all know. GM promised to give him a crash course in public speaking so that he can be more garrulous the next time he goes on the box.

Freshly mint and a SYT herself, Baby Chameleon was doing a commercial for her company, pharmaceutical giant GSK, Glaxo Smith & Kline. The wrong protocol was followed and was advised by the floor to go through the committee first.

The Final Word ..... : A leopard can never change it's spot, can he? So we'll try not to tame the hare for fear of what he may metaphor into ! We'll leave him at his instincts best .... or worst ! So come prepare for what he may throw at us when he hare or co hare a run. Regardless, I'm sure he has the best  interest of us at heart.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Race Is Over !

Congratulations to Messy and the newly elected committee for 2014/15. Members have spoken and decided that they are the ones who are going to chart the course of KH4 for the next 12 months or so.

My sincere thanks to the cast and crew of THE TEAM for coming in, despite some unfavorable comments and feedbacks. To quote, " It's better to have fought and lost then to have never fought at all." Thanks for keeping the faith. 

Now the dust has all been settled, let's continued to enjoy our weekly runs. But .......  don't forget to contribute where necessary, criticized when there are relevant points to raise without any fear, question the committee when you are in doubt about matters of the club.

Do we have nefarious intentions by doing so? Are we being pugnacious? If one can't see the woods for the tree, it boiled down to the noble intention, "WE LOVE KLANG HASH !"

As for yours truly, this blog will continue to say/contribute/write/criticize and what not it's 2 Cts or $2 worth! Readers of this blog would be by now familiar on the my way I scribe. I may sound mordant at times and caused certain vexations to those who happened to the pun of my article but I can assure you that there were never ever any malice intended. 

On! On!