Monday, December 30, 2013

10 Hash Resolutions For 2014

2014 is just round the corner. Was 2013 an eventual year for you, hashing wise, in Klang Hash ? Did you contribute your share in making hashing more fun and meaningful whether your were a member for 2 months, 2 years or 20 years or did you expect KH4 could have done better for you instead?

Here are some resolutions for you to ponder for the coming year. While we may joined hash for our own personal reasons, let's not forget the core values of hashing. 

While these lists may not be exhaustive and it's neither wrong nor right, take a minute to reflect on it. Ultimately, no one is bigger than the club. Member come and member goes. If you have a piece, say it or forever keep your peace ! 

Here goes :

1) I shall pay up my subs when due so that I don't have to suffer the acrimony of being denied my beer quotas.

2) I shall call On On when I break a check and connect the papers so that the back and slow runners will not be left astray.

3) I shall behave and remain silent when circle in on and respect the Box so that the affairs of the evening can conducted with decorum.

4) I shall remember that in Klang Hash that there are only 2 rules. Rule #1. The GM is always right. Rule #2. If the GM is wrong, Rule #1 applies. If still in doubt, QUIT !

5) I shall keep in mind that in hashing, everything should be taken with a pinch of salt. Nothing nefarious is ever intended, whatever the situation or conversation maybe.
6) I must adopt the attitude of agreeing to disagree as life is too short to quarrel over trivia matters. 

7) I must ensure that my alcohol intake is not over my threshold limit so that no untoward incidence may occur as there are love ones waiting for us at home.

8) I must bear in mind when setting a run not too be over zealous by setting a long and tough run as not everyone are equally physically fit. If I want to prove my manhood I can always join a man/batang chapter.

9) I have to acknowledge that when I'm elected to a position in the club it comes with responsibilities and have the occasional 'shit' thrown at, but I pledged not to get personal but instead discharged my position without fear or favor.

10) I pledge that as a member I reserved the right to question the committee on the club affairs not because I'm being solipsistic but because I love the club more.

Do you have any of yours to contribute? Feel free to do so. Go to the comment column and say your piece!

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